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Monday, January 20, 2025
In Support of the American Historical Association's Executive Council Veto of Gaza "Scholasticide" Resolution
On January 6, the annual business meeting of the American Historical Association passed a resolution condemning Israel's so-called "scholasticide" in Gaza. The AHA Executive Council, however, exercised its authority to veto the resolution because it contravened the association's bylaws. Members of the Executive Council and staff have since been subjected to harassment and abuse for their principled decision. In support of their principled action, I am posting the explanation here:
Update as of January 17, 2025: The AHA Council deplores any intentional destruction of Palestinian educational institutions, libraries, universities, and archives in Gaza. The Council considers the “Resolution to Oppose Scholasticide in Gaza,” however, to contravene the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws, because it lies outside the scope of the Association’s mission and purpose, defined in its Constitution as “the promotion of historical studies through the encouragement of research, teaching, and publication; the collection and preservation of historical documents and artifacts; the dissemination of historical records and information; the broadening of historical knowledge among the general public; and the pursuit of kindred activities in the interest of history.” After careful deliberation and consideration, the AHA Council vetoes the resolution. The AHA Council appreciates the work of Historians for Peace and Democracy and recognizes the diversity of perspectives, concerns, and commitments among AHA members.
Update as of January 6, 2025: The “Resolution to Oppose Scholasticide in Gaza” was passed by members attending the business meeting. As per the AHA’s Constitution, article 7(3–5), all measures passed by the business meeting shall come before the AHA Council for acceptance, nonconcurrence, or veto. The AHA Council has begun a thoughtful and vigorous conversation and will make a decision at its next meeting, which will take place within the month.
The vote on the Executive Council was 11-4 with one abstention. New York Times coverage is here.
Posted by Steve Lubet on January 20, 2025 at 12:21 PM | Permalink
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