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Saturday, November 23, 2024

Independent Agency or Codependent Agency?

As I watch for various aspects of "realignment" that render dated a great deal of commentary that relies on "left vs. right" or "conservative vs. liberal" classifications, I was struck by one passing example of this, from Senator Elizabeth Warren:


Information and discourse from That Place (where That Place equals any social media platform) are to be treated skeptically if not contemptuously, and it is always worth remembering that many or most of the statements from public figures and elected officials on such sites come from the minds of smart, earnest young creatures whose instructions are imperfect and who lack fully developed prefrontal cortices. And I have no reason to doubt this prediction from Senator Warren, or at least (assuming someone else wrote the tweet) "Senator Warren" in a more corporate sense. I have the general sense that she maintains a strong interest in the agency. Strictly speaking, though, shouldn't we consider it odd for a member of the legislative branch to pledge in advance the support of an independent executive-branch agency, as if this single senator can speak confidently for it? Could she not at least instruct her staff writers to maintain the niceties of form?   

Posted by Paul Horwitz on November 23, 2024 at 05:19 PM in Paul Horwitz | Permalink


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