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Sunday, October 06, 2024

The Free State of Florida

I am getting the hang of this "Free State of Florida" thing, as well as the general Republican status as the party of free speech. It does not undermine freedom (and free speech in particular) to remove books from libraries; to control what teachers say in and out of the classroom; to control what professors write; or to require social-media companies to carry certain speakers and messages on their private sites. And now it does not violate free speech for the head of an executive agency to send a letter to a tv station warning it about legal implications, including criminal prosecution, if it runs a political ad that he insists is false.

For all the Republican talk about Tim Walz spouting fire in a crowded theatre (and I wish he would stop doing that), this line--the right to free speech "does not include free rein to disseminate false advertisements which, if believed, would likely have a detrimental effect on the lives and health of pregnant women in Florida"--is a long-winded way of telling the station it can be punished for doing just that.

And, of course, Oberlin sophomores shouting about a Charles Murray talk constitute the real threat to free speech.

Posted by Howard Wasserman on October 6, 2024 at 02:36 PM in First Amendment, Howard Wasserman | Permalink


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