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Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Keep on Punching: Why Harris Wants to Debate and Trump Doesn’t

My new essay at The Hill explains why Donald Trump is so fearful of another debate with Kamala Harris. Here is the gist: 

Keep on punching: Why Harris wants to debate and Trump doesn’t

by Steven Lubet, opinion contributor - 09/30/24

Vice President Kamala Harris, eager for another opportunity to confront former President Donald Trump, readily accepted CNN’s invitation to a second debate on Oct. 23. Trump quickly declined, citing a litany of reasons for avoiding another encounter. 

Trump’s main rationale for refusing another debate is that “it’s just too late” because “voting has already started.”

Events in late October always have the potential to influence elections, even after voting has begun. 

Trump enjoyed the Senate’s confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett on Oct. 26, 2020, only eight days before he lost the election to Joe Biden. Needless to say, neither he nor Harris will stop campaigning two weeks ahead of election day. 

The reality is that Trump fears Harris as a formidable opponent with a trial lawyer’s exceptional skills. She has already beaten him once, and, as of this writing, he is unwilling to risk facing her again. 

“In the World of Boxing or UFC,” he posted on Truth Social, “when a Fighter gets beaten or knocked out, they get up and scream, ‘I DEMAND A REMATCH, I DEMAND A REMATCH!’ Well, it’s no different with a Debate.” 

That was the right analogy but the wrong conclusion. Like any good fighter, Harris can tell when she has her opponent on the ropes. She just wants to keep on punching.

You can read the full piece at The Hill.

Posted by Steve Lubet on October 1, 2024 at 06:41 AM | Permalink


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