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Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Call for Nominations: Best Untenured Article
The AALS Section on Federal Courts is pleased to announce the annual award for the best article on the law of federal jurisdiction by a full-time, untenured faculty member at an AALS member or affiliate school—and to solicit nominations (including self-nominations) for the prize to be awarded at the 2025 AALS Annual Meeting.
The purpose of the award program is to recognize outstanding scholarship in the field of Federal Courts by untenured faculty members. To that end, eligible articles are those specifically in the field of Federal Courts that were published by a recognized journal during the twelve-month period ending on September 1, 2024 (date of actual publication deter-mines eligibility). Eligible authors are those who, at the close of nominations (i.e., as of October 1, 2024), are untenured, full-time faculty members at AALS member or affiliate schools, and have not previously won the award. Nominations (and questions about the award) should be directed to Professor Marin Levy at Duke University School of Law ([email protected]).
Without exception, all nominations must be received by 11:59 p.m. (EDT) on October 1, 2024. Nominations will be reviewed by a prize committee comprised of Professors Payvand Ahdout (University of Virginia School of Law), Kellen Funk (Columbia Law School), Tom Lee (Fordham School of Law), Marin K. Levy (Duke University School of Law), and Richard Re (University of Virginia School of Law), with the result announced at the Federal Courts Section program at the 2025 AALS Annual Meeting.
Posted by Administrators on September 25, 2024 at 11:27 AM in Civil Procedure, Teaching Law | Permalink
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