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Monday, August 19, 2024

We Blew It in 1968

My new essay in The Hill is a cautionary tale for this week’s protests at the DNC. Here is the gist:

The 1968 DNC protests gave us Nixon. We don’t need a 2024 repeat. 

Almost exactly 56 years ago, I was at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, along with tens of thousands of other angry protesters against the war in Vietnam.

We blew it in 1968, undermining Humphrey, who strongly supported civil rights and the labor movement, even when he belatedly distanced himself from Johnson and called for an end to bombing North Vietnam. 

We got Nixon, the worst criminal ever to occupy the White House up until that point.

This year’s pro-Palestine demonstrators would do well to be wiser and more strategically savvy. They can make their point without enabling another criminal presidency. 

You can read the full essay at The Hill

Posted by Steve Lubet on August 19, 2024 at 02:32 PM | Permalink


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