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Monday, August 12, 2024

Not reporting v. accurately reporting

In citing Jay Rosen and Tom Nichols in this post, I expressed concern for the media's hyper-focus on certain narratives (Hillary's emails in 2016, Biden's age and mental acuity until a few weeks ago) to the exclusion of others. I have never advocated for not reporting what Trump says (and Nichols has been a big "show Trump in all his insanity" advocate) or for withholding negative stories about Biden, Harris, and other Democrats.

I have different criticisms of the media; Paul may disagree with these, as well, but they are different than what Rosen and Sullivan seem to have been pushing. I criticize inaccuracy and imbalance in the name of objectivity (and fear of accusations of bias). I criticize the media being worked. I criticize media  ignoring or cleaning up Trump's incoherent ramblings. I criticize the media allowing a narrative to take hold--usually the one Republicans have pushed--and allowing that narrative to color what they publish and how they present it.

Posted by Howard Wasserman on August 12, 2024 at 08:40 AM in Howard Wasserman, Law and Politics | Permalink


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