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Monday, August 26, 2024

CFP: Federalism Scholarship Roundtable

The University of Wisconsin Law School’s State Democracy Research Initiative (SDRI) is pleased to announce a Federalism Scholarship Roundtable, to be held on April 25, 2025. The Roundtable will be co-hosted by Professors Miriam Seifter and Rob Yablon of Wisconsin Law and Professors Will Baude, Bridget Fahey, and Alison LaCroix of the University of Chicago Law School, and will be held at the University of Chicago Law School in Chicago, Illinois.   

The purpose of the Roundtable is to bring together scholars from around the country to present new academic research and works in progress on federalism, and to continue to build community in the field of state public law. We construe federalism broadly for the purpose of the event; we welcome submissions from a wide range of subfields and methodologies, as well as submissions that consider the topic from the perspective of states or subnational institutions.    

We anticipate workshopping approximately eight papers over the course of one day, with each paper introduced by a designated commentator. Scholars who have already committed to attend the event as commentators are listed below. 

Scholars interested in presenting a paper at the Roundtable should submit a one-to-two-page abstract by November 15, 2024 to SDRI’s Executive Director Bree Grossi Wilde at [email protected]. (You may also contact her with any questions.) Applicants should include their title, institutional affiliation, and number of years teaching in the academy. Applicants will be notified by mid-December whether or not they have been selected to participate. Complete submissions will be due by early April 2025.  

All travel costs, accommodations, and meals will be provided, including a group dinner the night of April 24, 2025.  In addition, participants will receive a $1,000 honorarium. 

Confirmed Commentators to Date: 

  • Greg Ablavsky, Stanford Law School 
  • Will Baude, University of Chicago Law School 
  • Jessica Bulman-Pozen, Columbia Law School 
  • Bridget Fahey, University of Chicago Law School 
  • Alison LaCroix, University of Chicago Law School 
  • Jamila Michener, Cornell University 
  • Nicole Stelle Garnett, Notre Dame Law School 
  • Miriam Seifter, Wisconsin Law School  
  • The Honorable Diane Wood, University of Chicago Law School 
  • Rob Yablon, Wisconsin Law School 

Posted by Howard Wasserman on August 26, 2024 at 04:57 PM in Teaching Law | Permalink


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