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Thursday, May 16, 2024

New SEALS Faculty Recruitment Platforms

Posted on behalf of SEALS:

The Southeastern Association of Law Schools is excited to offer a new set of free services to the law teaching community, including and especially prospective members who are interested in joining legal academia.  For it to be effective, we must get the word out and encourage candidates to register and schools to use it.  Please help us by circulating this information widely to your VAPs, alumni, and search committee members.

The SEALS faculty recruitment platform is now live with two new hiring portals.

  • The Faculty Hiring Portal allows faculty candidates to indicate their interest in finding an academic job and permits faculty hiring committees to search for candidates who meet the school’s hiring needs.
  • Meanwhile, the Visiting Faculty Portal allows current law school faculty to indicate their interest in visiting opportunities on a look-see, podium, or overload basis. Meanwhile, schools interested in hiring are able to create institutional accounts (a single law school account provides access to both portals) and view candidate materials.
  • Finally, the Job Postings site is a bulletin for schools to advertise their various hiring interests and position details.

We welcome your questions and suggestions for the SEALS Faculty Recruitment Committee, which can be directed to committee chair Linda Jellum at [email protected].

Posted by Sarah Lawsky on May 16, 2024 at 04:36 PM in Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market | Permalink


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