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Saturday, March 02, 2024

Saturday Music Post: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Otis Redding's release of "Respect" was a hit in 1965, and it was an even bigger hit for Aretha Franklin in 1967, winning two Grammies. Franklin's version, with a slightly slower tempo and feminist lyrics, has been more frequently covered in the following 50+ years. Steve Cropper produced and played guitar on Redding's cut, along with the rest of the Stax session musicians. I always thought I recognized Cropper's signature guitar style on the Franklin release as well (on Atlantic, which had a distribution agreement and often recorded at the Stax studio in Memphis), but it turns out that it was Chips Moman.

The clips are at The Faculty Lounge.

Posted by Steve Lubet on March 2, 2024 at 05:57 AM | Permalink


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