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Thursday, March 14, 2024
Lawsky Entry Level Hiring Report 2024 - Call for Information
I will gather the following information for tenure-track, clinical, or legal writing full-time entry-level hires:
Basic Information: Name, Hiring School, JD Institution, JD Year of Graduation
Other Degrees: Type of Degree, Degree Granting Institution, Degree Subject
Fellowship, VAP, or Visiting Professorship: Institution and Type (e.g., VAP, name of fellowship, etc.)
Clerkship: Court (e.g., 9th Circuit, Texas Supreme Court, etc.)
Areas of Speciality (up to four) (if you are a clinical or LRW hire, please list this as your first Area of Specialty)
Type of Position: Tenure Track or Non-Tenure Track (if you are clinical or LRW and also tenure-track, please indicate this)
The information will be aggregated on this spreadsheet (which is reproduced below and which you can view and download by clicking on this link); scroll across to see all of the information that will be aggregated.
The spreadsheet includes some information that I pulled from public sources, such as Twitter or law school websites. When that is the case, I've included the relevant link (in a column to the right--just scroll the spreadsheet over). If I have included your information from a public source and you would like me to correct or update it, please just let me know.
You can either leave information in the comments or email it to me. You cannot edit the spreadsheet yourself.
If you leave information in the comments, please sign the comment with your real name. (Ideally, the reporting person would be either the hired individual or someone from the hiring committee at the hiring school.)
If you would like to email information instead of posting it, please send it to Sarah Lawsky at sarah *dot* lawsky *at* law *dot* northwestern *dot* edu.
Remember: you can't edit the spreadsheet yourself. To get your information into the spreadsheet, you must either post in the comments or email me.
If you see any errors, or if I have incorporated your information into the spreadsheet but you are not yet ready to make it public, please don't hesitate to email me, and I will take care of the problem as soon as I can.
[This paragraph further clarified on March 17, 2024.] The list does not include someone who was a full-time non-tenure track clinician at a school that does not provide tenure to clinicians, and then moves as a clinician to a school that does provide tenure to clinicians, with credit for their prior work experience as a full-time faculty member. This person does not seem to be an entry-level hire. However, someone who was a full-time professor (clinical or otherwise) at one school, and then moved to an entry-level position (clinical or otherwise) with a tenure track or promotional clock that started fresh, would be an entry-level hire.
The list does include people who had a non-professor job in a law school and then moved to a professor job that was tenure track. Thus a person may have worked at a law school for many years, but still be considered an entry level hire. To indicate this situation, I will put their previous job at a law school in the "fellowship" category, and note "non-TT to TT" in the "Notes" category. This is not to indicate that this isn't an entry-level hire, but rather to give information about the nature of the item listed as a fellowship. (I.e., not a temporary position, as fellowships usually are.)
Other links:
This report follows in the tradition of Larry Solum's excellent work over many years.
2023 initial post, 2023 spreadsheet, 2023 report (with graphs).
2022 initial post, 2022 spreadsheet, 2022 report (with graphs)
2021 initial post, 2021 spreadsheet, 2021 report (with graphs)
2020 initial post, 2020 spreadsheet, 2020 report (with graphs)
2019 initial post, 2019 spreadsheet, 2019 report (with graphs).
2018 initial post, 2018 spreadsheet, 2018 report (with graphs).
2017 initial post, 2017 spreadsheet, 2017 report (with graphs).
2016 initial post, 2016 spreadsheet, 2016 report (with graphs).
2015 initial post, 2015 spreadsheet, 2015 report (with graphs).
2014 initial post, 2014 spreadsheet, 2014 report (with graphs).
2013 initial post, 2013 spreadsheet, 2013 report (with graphs).
2012 initial post, 2012 spreadsheet, 2012 report (with graphs).
2011 initial post, 2011 spreadsheet, 2011 report (with graphs).
All PrawfsBlawg entry level hiring report tagged posts.
Posted by Sarah Lawsky on March 14, 2024 at 08:53 AM in Entry Level Hiring Report | Permalink
@Anon Lawyer
Law school courses typically teach students about the black letter law from a fairly high level. Anyone with reasonable intelligence and reasonable time to prepare can do a pretty good job teaching many of the courses that law students take. It doesn't take someone with decades of litigation experience to, for example, teach civil procedure. There is, of course, the concern that many law professors haven't given much attention to pedagogy, but that's a concern you didn't raise.
Your statement about "foreign schools" is xenophobic; I had numerous foreign-born professors in law school who were more than capable of teaching American law. If anything, they often add unique perspectives since they didn't grow up within our system. Furthermore, your statement about "middling U.S. schools" is both largely incorrect, but also irrelevant. Most of the people currently on the list attended top-tier schools. And I'm sure the ones who didn't were exceptional candidates regardless, given they received a tenure-track position. Just because somebody wasn't fortunate enough to attend a top-tier school over a decade ago does not disqualify them from being an excellent law professor.
Finally, what do you mean by "studying subject matter entirely unrelated to law"? Do you simply mean subject matter unrelated to the law in which you are interested? I guarantee you these people would not have been hired by a law school if their research didn't intersect with law in some way.
Posted by: AspiringLawProfessor | Mar 29, 2024 2:56:13 PM
In NH, a state where I am barred, 85% of cases in a circuit court involve a pro se party. Someone explain to me why some decent, diligent young person en route to entering a small law practice taking on family law and criminal law matters should pay well over a hundred thousand dollars to take three years of classes by this hodgepodge of academics with degrees from foreign schools or middling U.S. schools and who have spent most of their academic life studying subject matter entirely unrelated to law? I would love any answer to that question.
Posted by: Anon Lawyer | Mar 29, 2024 11:34:20 AM
Jonathon Booth clerked at 2nd Cir not SDNY.
Thanks for putting this together!
Posted by: Jonathon Booth | Mar 14, 2024 9:55:25 AM