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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Saturday Music Post - The Wellerman

"The Wellerman" is an Antipodean sea shanty, referring to the supply ships of Australia's Wellerman Brothers, who provisioned the remote whaling station at Otago on New Zealand's South Island in the early Nineteenth Century. The song became a viral hit when the British vocalist Nathan Evans posted it on Tik Tok in early 2021 -- which only shows how out of touch I am, as I first came across it last April (which is when I queued up today's post).

The clips are at The Faculty Lounge.

Posted by Steve Lubet on October 28, 2023 at 05:35 AM | Permalink


Thanks for the reminder of times long ago, when the children were young, we would go to the Shanty sing in the Thayer at the San Francisco Maritime Museum. Good Times back in the 1960's.

Posted by: mike harper | Nov 1, 2023 12:59:17 PM

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