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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Saturday Music Post - Rollin' and Tumblin'

"Rollin' and Tumblin'" is mostly remembered as a Robert Johnson song -- brought to Chicago by Muddy Waters in the 1950s, and reinterpreted by Cream in the 1960s -- but it was actually written and first recorded by Willie Nebern, who released only a handful of cuts in 1929 (not to be missed at the bottom of The Faculty Lounge post).

According to Wikipedia, it is derivative of Gus Cannon's 1928 "Minglewood Blues" (which is on my Jug Band Music post), but I don't really hear much more than a general blues similarity.

Most covers have been rock versions like Cream's, but there have also been blues cuts now and then.

The clips are at The Faculty Lounge.

Posted by Steve Lubet on May 27, 2023 at 05:44 AM | Permalink


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