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Wednesday, April 05, 2023
At Least He Didn't Claim It Was Rigged
In Wisconsin, Milwaukee County judge Janet Protasiewicz defeated former Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly for an open seat on the state supreme court. It was the second double-digit defeat in two years for Kelly, who was appointed to the court by former governor Scott Walker, as he lost to now-justice Jill Karofsky in 2020. He has not taken it well.
As reported by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel:
After the race was called for Protasiewicz, Kelly refused to call his opponent to concede the race, saying he respected the voters' decision but not her.
"I wish in a circumstance like this I would be able to concede to a worthy opponent. But I do not have a worthy opponent to which I can concede," Kelly told supporters at a campaign event in Green Lake, calling Protasiewicz a "serial liar." "I wish Wisconsin the best of luck, because I think it’s going to need it."
He called Protasiewicz's campaign "dishonorable and despicable," and said he was concerned for the future of the state.
"She's demeaned the judiciary with her behavior," he said, referring to Protasiewicz's partisan appeals to voters on the issues of abortion and redistricting. "This is the future we have to look forward to in Wisconsin."
The Wisconsin Supreme Court will now have a 4-3 liberal majority for the first time in 15 years. Issues facing the court include abortion and partisan gerrymandering.
The Journal-Sentinel story is here.
Posted by Steve Lubet on April 5, 2023 at 06:38 AM | Permalink
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