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Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Northwestern University Law Review 2023 Symposium
From the editors of the Northwestern University Law Review:
The Northwestern University Law Review is excited to be accepting proposals for its 2023 Symposium, to be held in October 2023.
The Law Review will consider submissions until November 7, 2022. Symposium proposals should be submitted via Google Form. After November 7, 2022, the Symposium Committee will review all submissions. Organizers should expect that they may request more detailed information. The Law Review will notify organizers whether they remain under finalist consideration by November 14, 2022.
A strong Symposium proposal should do all of the following in at least 2-3 pages:
- describe the Symposium idea and its contribution to legal scholarship in as much detail as possible, including the proposed event’s originality, timeliness, and societal impact.
- list potential Symposium speakers and panelists that would add to the academic quality and diversity of perspectives at the event;
- list potential authors who could write articles and/or essays for publication by the Law Review;
- include a draft budget outline and any secured or potential funding sources.
Questions should be directed to Senior Symposium Editor Sarah Wolf-Knight at [email protected]. You can find more information on the Law Review's website.
Posted by Sarah Lawsky on October 12, 2022 at 08:06 PM in Symposium | Permalink
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