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Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Law School Entry-Level Hiring Posting Schedule 2022-2023
The usual posts will occur this year regarding entry-level law school hiring.
On August 18, the first distribution of FAR forms will be released to schools. If/when anyone publicly posts the number of FAR forms, I will post Number of FAR Forms in First Distribution Over Time (last year's FAR Forms Over Time post).
Around August 25, I will post Law School Hiring Spreadsheet and Clearinghouse for Questions, 2022-2023 (last year's Hiring Spreadsheet and Clearinghouse Post).
Around October 24, I will post the VAPs and Fellowship Open Thread (last year's VAPs and Fellowship Open Thread).
Posted by Sarah Lawsky on August 16, 2022 at 03:55 PM in Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market | Permalink
Re the VAP thread - I try to time it when interview requests or feedback from the schools start so people can report those. If that’s moved earlier I have no problem at all moving the thread earlier - nothing special about October! Do you have a sense of when schools might start getting back to people? Or if it’s useful for me to start the VAP thread even in advance of that I can open it up sooner. (Also feel free to email me directly if that would be easier.)
Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Aug 18, 2022 9:38:38 AM
Thanks for the update! Just out of curiosity: Why is the VAP/Fellowship thread not up until late October? A lot of fellowships are open now or opening in September. I'm speaking from ignorance, admittedly, since this will be my first cycle.
Posted by: AspiringLawProfessor | Aug 18, 2022 9:30:14 AM
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