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Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Cawthorn Litigation Update
I wanted to note that the Federal District Court has scheduled a hearing for next week to consider arguments on Congressman Cawthorn's request for injunctive relief against a state candidate eligibility proceeding. The latest filing in the case is from the North Carolina Attorney General, who argues that Cawthorn's complaint should be dismissed.
At some point I'll try to put together a resource of all of the relevant filings. The federal litigation will, you would think, proceed to the Fourth Circuit and then to the Supreme Court (probably as requests for emergency relief given the short timeframe before the primary).
UPDATE: The hearing is postponed until March 21st. Due to the new redistricting in North Carolina, the state complaint must be refiled after Congressman Cawthorn decides which newly configured district he will run in.
Posted by Gerard Magliocca on February 23, 2022 at 01:22 PM | Permalink
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