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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Northwestern University Law Review Exclusive Empirical Cycle

From the Northwestern University Law Review:

The Northwestern University Law Review’s 4th Annual Exclusive Empirical Cycle is opening soon. It will be open from June 14 to July 31. 

For our empirical issue, NULR welcomes pieces making use of any and all empirical methods—including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods—to illuminate and engage questions of legal interest. NULR defines “empirical methods” broadly; as Professor Shari Diamond put it in an article in our 2019 empirical issue, empirical methods encompass any “systematic organization of a series of observations with the method of data collection and analysis made available to the audience.” Through its Empirical Initiative, NULR seeks to expand the use of robust empirical analysis to answer pressing and interesting questions within the legal community. The NULR Empirical Issue shines a spotlight on high-quality empirical research within the pages of a general readership Law Review.   

As in the past, the NULR empirical cycle review process features an opportunity unique amongst Law Reviews to have your article peer-reviewed by seasoned experts in the field. This year, NULR is also guaranteeing that any author who submits by 5pm CT on Monday June 21st will receive a decision by August 2nd. This allows scholars the chance to submit to the Exclusive Empirical Cycle without forgoing their opportunities to submit to other fall cycles. For more details, please visit the NULR Empirical Issue page.  

Posted by Sarah Lawsky on May 26, 2021 at 12:17 PM in Law Review Review | Permalink


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