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Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Entry Level Hiring - JD School Total and Over Time
Responding to a question posted on Facebook:
Source of JD by hiring school, total, by percent. This is drawn from the Entry Level Hiring Reports from 2011 to 2020.
Yale 17%, Harvard 15%, NYU 9%, Stanford 6%, Columbia 5%, Chicago 5%, Michigan 4%, Berkeley 4%, Georgetown 3%, Virginia 2%, Duke 2%, Northwestern 2%, Penn 1%, Cornell 1%, Hebrew University 1%, fewer than 1% of hires 22%.
The three schools with the most hires are, obviously, Yale, Harvard, and NYU. Looking more closely at those three schools over time:
As always, I am happy to work with anyone who would be interested in pursuing these or other questions further. Or people should of course feel free to use the data themselves (with the caveat that the numbers from the public spreadsheets may not match the numbers above, as some people have asked not to be posted on the spreadsheets but have given me permission to include them in the data).
This post is freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 license, cited as Sarah Lawsky, Entry Level Hiring - JD School Total and Over Time, https://prawfsblawg.blogs.com/prawfsblawg/2020/05/entry-level-hiring-jd-school-total-and-over-time.html.
Posted by Sarah Lawsky on May 27, 2020 at 06:31 AM in Entry Level Hiring Report | Permalink
Very helpful! Can you do a study on which school has the highest number of SJD grads in US legal academy?
Posted by: AY | Apr 19, 2021 4:16:32 PM
Can you normalize the figures with respect to the total number of law school graduates for the 1% + schools. Among other things this would better show how far Yale outstrips other schools in sending graduates into law teaching - the Yale-Harvard numbers would not even be close. I am not sure how other schools would sort themselves out, but would, for example, be surprised if Stanford did not do better than NYU. The. Here the tally is interesting and tells us how the law teaching establishment is largely populated by the graduates of top law schools, but can be misread as a list of schools most likely to send its grads into law teaching, a different but also interesting measure. Finally if this a research interest you want to pursue, it would be interesting to look at non-tenure track hires and clinical hires in particular to see how the picture changes. Regardless , thanks for what you have done.
Posted by: Richard Lempert | Sep 8, 2020 4:26:06 PM
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