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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Technical Solution to a Real Problem

For those of you whose classes, like mine, are part substance and part standup, one of the more disconcerting aspects of synchronous Zoom teaching is not getting a live response to the jokes.  

Fortunately,SoundBoard there is a technical solution.  I have downloaded a free sound effect app to my iPhone and it sits next to my laptop during class.  (The iPad is already in use.  I invite myself in as a student on my personal Zoom account so that I can see the class from the student's viewpoint.  I also designate the other "me" as a co-host so that I won't lose the class if my computer glitches.)

You can find this in the App Store by searching "laugh track."  The one I'm using is "Sound Board - Comic Effects."  I've pictured the screen.  I'm all in on "Rimshot."

Posted by Jeff Lipshaw on March 25, 2020 at 12:31 PM | Permalink


Doug, note that I never said that they laugh. What I said was I couldn't hear their responses. This was my reason for recommending this particular app, as opposed to those merely containing different kinds of laughter.

YMMV. "Boo" and "Raspberry" may fit your needs better. Or "Snore."

Posted by: Jeff Lipshaw | Mar 25, 2020 3:37:00 PM

Wait--you are saying that students actually laugh when you make jokes? Can't imagine what that is like...

Posted by: Doug Sylvester | Mar 25, 2020 2:28:56 PM

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