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Monday, February 03, 2020

Uh, oh

Following the 2016 election, I identified breaking championship droughts as a random sports predictor that foretold Republican electoral success. If so, Democrats (including me) should be nervous this morning, as the Kansas City (Missouri) Chiefs won their first Super Bowl in 50 years--which I think qualifies as a long, if not quite as legendary, sports drought. This follows a number of other droughts that ended in 2019--St. Louis Blues win first Stanley Cup in 52-year history; Washington Mystics win first WNBA title; Washington Nationals win first World Series for D.C. since 1924 and first World Series in the 50-year history of the Expos/Nationals franchise.

Of course, we do have one counter-example in which end-of-drought coincided with Democratic success--the 2018 mid-terms followed the Washington Capitols' first Stanley Cup in a then-44-year history.

Posted by Howard Wasserman on February 3, 2020 at 03:42 PM in Howard Wasserman, Sports | Permalink


Since the NHL originally consistent only of Canadian teams, and the Stanley cup is named for a Canadian governor, are you suggesting that the Democrats' 2018 success is due to foreign influence? May we now finally accept that it was Canada, not Ukraine, that interfered in our elections?

Posted by: Derek Tokaz | Feb 7, 2020 7:45:34 AM

So if you look at the 2019 droughts that were broken —Dems did pretty well everywhere that held elections that year.

Posted by: But see | Feb 4, 2020 12:43:53 PM

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