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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Kentucky Law Journal: 2020 Symposium Topic Submissions

How to Submit

Kentucky Law Journal is now accepting symposium topic proposals for the 2020–2021 academic year. Please submit symposium topic suggestions following the instructions below no later than November 22, 2019 at 7:00 pm EST. If you have questions, please email our Special Features Editor, Summer Bablitz, [email protected] or Editor-in-Chief, Kyle Schroader, at [email protected].

How a Topic will be Chosen

The Symposium Committee, comprised of KLJ student members, will review submissions in the upcoming weeks with the goal of selecting a symposium topic soon after

General Information About Past KLJ Symposia

  1. KLJ generally hosts a symposium on campus at the University of Kentucky during the fall semester. Symposium is usually held on a Thursday and Friday in October or November.
  2. KLJ has historically provided funding for the cost of coach travel, lodging, transportation in Lexington, and meals and social events for all symposium speakers. On average, past symposia have cost between $10,000 and $14,000 total. KLJ has received financial support from the University of Kentucky College of Law and the University of Kentucky Student Government Association in the past. Still, KLJ has historically been responsible for between 50–65% of the total costs of past symposia through funds collected from students through their annual membership dues.
  3. Generally, all symposium presentations are recorded and uploaded on UKnowledge, a digital collection of scholarship held by UK Libraries
  4. KLJ publishes a symposium issue each year with articles from the presenters.

Recent KLJ Symposia Topics:

  • 2019–20 - American Monuments and Monument-Protection Laws
  • 2018–19 - Intermeddlers or Innovators? States and Federal Copyright Law
  • 2017–18 - Religious Exemptions and Harm to Others (hosted in collaboration with Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS))
  • 2016–17 - 30 Years of Batson: A Retrospective
  • 2015–16 - An Elective Perspective: Judicial Regulation of Politics in an Election Year
  • 2014–15 - Your Rights in a Digital World (Data Privacy)

When formulating symposium topic proposals, please consider the following:

  1. KLJ anticipates an in-person symposium on the campus at the University of Kentucky on a Thursday and Friday during the month in October or early November 2020. Generally,

      7–10 speakers are invited to attend symposium.

  1. While publication is not guaranteed, we anticipate that all symposium attendees will be invited to write an article for publication in Volume 109, Issue 4 of Kentucky Law Journal. Final manuscripts should be no longer than 14,000 words in length and will be due around December 15, 2020. KLJ will provide publication contracts to certain symposium participants based on recommendations from the Editorial Board and Symposium Committee.
  2. The Journal does have limited funds set aside for symposium. Even so, KLJ cannot guarantee funding for travel, lodging, meals, or associated expenses. We will work to obtain additional funding and sponsorships. Proposals that include anticipated sources of full or partial funding will be viewed favorably.
  3. This call for submissions is an open call to the legal academic community. Still, proposals led by or including members of the University of Kentucky College of Law faculty will be prioritized. We encourage all proposals to include UK Law faculty among their participants.

Submission Instructions

Please submit a proposal in a PDF or Word document format that includes the following information:

  1. Your topic idea, including the topic’s originality, timeliness, how it contributes to legal scholarship, and any reasons why the topic may be relevant to Kentucky;
  2. A list of potential symposium speakers who may be willing to attend the event and accept an invitation to publish an article in Kentucky Law Journal;
  3. The name, contact information, and title of the proposed Symposium Liaison, who will serve as a point person for decisions pertaining to the symposium and will coordinate with the Volume 109 Special Features Editor;
  4. Any organizations or groups who will co-sponsor or collaborate on the symposium;
  5. Any anticipated sources of funding or sponsorship;
  6. Any social events, banquets, or luncheons that may be part of the symposium program; and
  7. Any potential symposium dates in October or November 2020 that conflict with the Symposium Liaison’s schedule.

Again, please submit your proposal in a PDF or Word document format via email to [email protected], no later than November 22, 2019 at 7:00 pm EST. See the proposal template below.

Kentucky Law Journal

2020–21 Symposium Topic Submission

Symposium Idea/Topic

Description of Symposium Topic

List of Potential Symposium Speakers (please include title and college or university affiliation for faculty)

Symposium Liaison*

(1) Name:

(2) Title:

(3) Email:

(4) Phone:

* The symposium liaison understands that he or she will serve as a point of contact for the symposium and will work collaboratively with the KLJ Special Features Editor to plan the symposium.

Co-Sponsors/Collaborative Organizations (These can be potential co-sponsors such as the UK Law Diversity Committee, OUTlaw, ACLU, Federalist Society, etc.)

Anticipated or Potential Sources of Sponsorship (This can include the prospective sponsor’s own funds or potential sponsors that could be solicited)

Potential Social Events or Other Symposium Programming (Ex. Bourbon Distillery Tour, Panel Discussion, Keynote Speaker, etc.)

Potential Dates in October or November 2020 that Conflict with the Symposium Liaison’s Schedule

Posted by Howard Wasserman on November 10, 2019 at 11:02 PM | Permalink


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