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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

National Conference of Constitutional Law Scholars 2020

The Rehnquist Center is pleased to announce the third annual National Conference of Constitutional Law Scholars. The conference will be held at the Westward Look Resort in Tucson, Arizona, on March 20-21, 2020. Its goal is to create a vibrant and useful forum for constitutional scholars to gather and exchange ideas each year.
Jack Goldsmith will deliver a keynote address. Distinguished commentators for 2020 include:
Mitch Berman
Joshua Chafetz
Vicki Jackson
Maggie Lemos
Melissa Murray
Jane Schacter
Lawrence Solum
All constitutional law scholars are invited to attend. Those wishing to present a paper for discussion should submit a 1- to 2-page abstract by October 1, 2019. All constitutional law topics are welcome, and both emerging and established scholars are strongly encouraged to submit. Selected authors will be notified by November 1, 2019. Selected papers will be presented in small panel sessions, organized by subject, with commentary by a distinguished senior scholar.
The Rehnquist Center will provide meals for all registered conference participants. Participants must cover travel and lodging costs. Hotel information will be provided as the date approaches. There is a conference registration fee of $200, which will increase to $250 after March 10, 2020. Registration fees will be waived for conference presenters and for students and faculty at UA Law. In addition, a limited number of scholarships are available to those unable to attend the event otherwise.
Please send all submissions or related questions to Andrew Coan: [email protected]
For logistical questions please contact Bernadette Wilkinson: [email protected]  
Andrew Coan, Arizona
David Schwartz, Wisconsin
Brad Snyder, Georgetown
REGISTER NOW: bit.ly/conlaw2020


Posted by Gerard Magliocca on August 20, 2019 at 08:17 PM | Permalink


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