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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Interdisciplinary Junior Prawf-ing

Thanks to Paul, Howard, and the rest of the folks at Prawfs for having me; I’ve been reading the blog since I was in law school and it’s both fun and slightly surreal to be writing here.

I’m a legal anthropologist at Alabama Law where I mostly (but not always) teach work law courses. Last year I taught Employment Law and Employee Benefits, but this year I’ll be teaching Leg Reg and a cross-listed Legal Anthro seminar. My work law research has centered on the gig economy (ask me about getting hired by Instacart or being a dog walker on Rover -- two job experiences I never expected to have, even for research purposes). I also have a significant and ongoing interest in India and comparative constitutional law; this grows out of my PhD research on temple management and religion-state relations, but it's evolving in new directions that I hope to talk about here.

My posts here will mostly focus on things that have stood out to me during my first year prawf-ing as an interdisciplinary, multi-subject scholar—not unlike some earlier series, especially the awesome Junior Law Prawfs FAQ that Chris Walker ran a few years ago—but I’ll also try to work in a couple substantive posts on the areas I write in.

Posted by Deepa Das Acevedo on July 16, 2019 at 11:14 AM in Jr. Law Prawfs FAQ | Permalink


Great luck, not lack of course ....Apologizing

Posted by: El roam | Jul 16, 2019 2:54:50 PM

Great lack and welcome( one needs the former, in order to reconcile here, Indian temples and gig economy you know, but we shall grant you fair chance all around here).

We shall look forward for it .....

Posted by: El roam | Jul 16, 2019 11:56:47 AM

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