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Thursday, June 13, 2019
A dramatic reading of the Mueller Report
In 2012, PBS aired a documentary called The Central Park Five, produced by Ken Burns, his daughter Sarah, and David McMahon. It was excellent and thorough (although produced while the civil rights suit was pending and before the $ 41 million settlement). And it produced no public reaction--Linda Fairstein kept publishing books, Elizabeth Lederer kept adjuncting at Columbia, and Donald Trump was on a path to being elected President. But mere weeks after Netflix dropped DuVarney's docudrama When They See Us, Fairstein no longer has a publisher and no longer is on several boards and Lederer no longer teaches at Columbia.
The difference, it seems to me, is the drama of the docudrama compared with the reality sought in the documentary. When They See US depicts Fairstein as the big bad,* determined to get these rapists and stubborn to the point of arrogance when confronted with evidence of their innocence.** Lederer is depicted as plagued by doubts about the case, but charging ahead and being tough in her cross examination, including bringing out negative or embarrassing information about the defendants.*** The drama, the pathos, creating heroes and villains--you get that in a docudrama but not in a documentary.
[*] Along with the cops, who we expect to behave badly.
[**] It probably does not help Fairstein at this moment to have been played by Felicity Huffman.
[***] As, of course, she should as a good lawyer representing a client.
Which brings me to the Mueller Report. A press conference will not do it (obviously). Neither will congressional testimony, even if the point is just to have Mueller read the report live on camera.
Instead, we need a dramatic reading. Get James Earl Jones, Morgan Freeman, Meryl Streep, Dame Maggie Smith, Nancy Cartwright (the long-time voice of Bart Simpson), and any other great-sounding actors and actresses. Put them on TV and have them read or perform the report in the most dramatic fashion possible.
Posted by Howard Wasserman on June 13, 2019 at 10:34 AM in Howard Wasserman, Law and Politics | Permalink
I don't know. The argument seems to be that, just as this docudrama dramatically exaggerated the "reality" of the Central Park Five situation portrayed in the documentary and produced a reaction it perhaps didn't deserve, talented actors should overdramatize the contents of this report ("perform the report in the most dramatic fashion possible") and elicit what may be an overreaction. This seems like a problematic position.
Posted by: Asher | Jun 13, 2019 5:20:32 PM
Howard, I believe that you have accurately described the steps needed to focus the general public's attention. Superior oratory skills would bring the report to life.
Posted by: Paul Sonnenfeld | Jun 13, 2019 4:32:45 PM
Just consider 400 pages of report of course....
Posted by: El roam | Jun 13, 2019 2:27:32 PM
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