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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Petition to the FTC to Ban Non-Competes

I am proud to be part of a petition submitted today the FTC bringing together the Open Markets Institute, the AFL-CIO, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and over 60 other signatories — including labor organizations, public interest groups, and dozens of legal scholars. The petition calls on the FTC to use its regulatory power to issue a federal rule to ban the practice nationwide (similar to the ban that already exists in California and in some other states for certain industries and parts of the workforce).  If you are a reader of this blog, you probably know that I have argued in my research on noncompetes, including in my book Talent Wants to be Free that they harm not only workers but also innovation and economic growth. In my new article, Gentlemen Prefer Bonds: How Employers Fix the Talent Market, I argue that they further have a negative effect on certain identities, including women, minorities and older workers. As my research and others have argued, the FTC and the federal antitrust division should be involved in protecting competition and preventing anti-competitive practices in the labor market, just like in the product markets. 

Coverage today of the petition in Bloomberg can be found here. The Open Markets press release is here. The full text of the petition can be found here.

Posted by Orly Lobel on March 20, 2019 at 05:06 PM | Permalink


Good luck with it Orly.You may find by the way,great interest here I guess(and links therein):

Federal Judiciary Adopts New Ethics Rules:


Posted by: El roam | Mar 21, 2019 11:02:24 AM

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