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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Call for Papers: Midwestern Law & Economics Association Annual Meeting, September 2018

My colleagues Shahar Dillbary and Yonathan Arbel have asked me to post the following announcement, which I'm proud to do:

Call for Papers: Midwestern Law & Economics Association Annual Meeting – New Deadline: July 20, 2018
The University of Alabama School of Law
September 14-15, 2018
Dear colleagues,
Please note that the deadline for submitting papers to the Midwestern Law & Economics Association has been extended to July 20, 2018. 
The University of Alabama School of Law (UASL) is pleased to host the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Law & Economics Association (MLEA) September 14-15, 2018 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. This year’s meeting will be co-sponsored by the UASL and the UASL¹s Cross Disciplinary Legal Studies Program.
We invite participants from across the nation (not just the Midwest) and abroad. There are no registration or membership fees. Participants will finance their own travel and hotel costs.
Papers can be on any topic that touches on law and economics. This includes, for example, papers with empirical analysis and economic modeling, as well as papers that address legal doctrine or theory that have been informed by economic thought.
To apply, submit a paper or abstract to Shahar Dillbary ([email protected]) and Yonathan Arbel ([email protected] ) no later than Friday, July 20th. 
A block of rooms at Hotel Indigo has been reserved for conference participants at a rate of $119 (excluding tax). You can book by calling the hotel directly at 205.469.1660 or via the website at Hotel Indigo Reservations. Use Group ID Bama Law to receive the special conference rate.  You will need to reserve your room by September 3, 2017 to receive this conference rate.
Contact Shahar Dillbary ([email protected]) and Yonathan Arbel ([email protected]) with any questions.
I acknowledge that Alabama is technically not located in the Midwest, but I gave up fighting that battle when it came to SEALS member school requirements a number of years ago. I will also note that Shahar and Yonathan are superb colleagues and will be great hosts, the Hotel Indigo is lovely, and the quantity and quality of barbecue is fairly high in Tuscaloosa compared to that of most Midwestern college towns.   


Posted by Paul Horwitz on June 26, 2018 at 02:49 PM | Permalink


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