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Sunday, December 31, 2017
2017 Year-End Report of the Federal Judiciary
The 2017 Year-End Report of the Federal Judiciary was released at 6 p.m. Sunday. No dueling or lumberjacks this year, although the Chief could not help but throw in a history lesson about The Great Hurricane of 1780.
The primary theme this year was how the judiciary responds (and responded in 2017) to natural disasters. This was followed by a brief discussion of the "new challenge" for 2018 of dealing with workplace sexual harassment in the judiciary, discussing his called-for AO working group to examine policies and practices, including codes of conduct, employee education, confidentiality and reporting rules, and rules for processing complaints. He closed with an expression of confidence that the "overwhelming number have no tolerance for harassment and share the view that victims must have clear and immediate recourse to effective remedies."
Posted by Howard Wasserman on December 31, 2017 at 06:41 PM in Civil Procedure, Howard Wasserman, Law and Politics | Permalink
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