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Thursday, November 30, 2017

You're Invited! AALS 2018 in America's Finest City

The 2018 AALS Annual Meeting is just around the corner. And it's happening here in San Diego. So I naturally should bring my hosting skills. I plan to post about top things to do in San Diego [here's something not to do: do not bring your winter coats even though the conference is Jan 3-6]. Whether you are coming with a family or on your own there is something here for everybody. Do you love beaches or cities? upscale or hole in the wall eateries? the desert or the mountains?  Here in San Diego, why choose? everything is close by. Below is a picture I snapped of one of my regular running trails (can you spot my running buddy?). Along with fellow prawfs I hope to also plan our traditional MarkelFest one of the conference evenings. 

I also want to share a few of the exciting events that I am taking part in and would absolutely love to have everyone attend. First -- You gotta come celebrate with me! On Friday Jan 5, 5:30-7 USD Law is holding a reception celebration for my book (and I will talk about it a bit) You Don't Own Me and everyone is invited. My colleague Roy Brooks also has a new book out about racial justice and will speak as well. We have a beautiful campus and it's close to Old Town if you feel like having fresh made tacos and margaritas afterwards.

Second event, in which I become evil: The IP Evil Twin Debate is an annual debate, serious in substance but lighthearted in tone, we all wait for (a highlight - we get to write up (a parody of) our evil twin's bio). Last year it was Mark Lemley v. his evil twin Rebecca Tushnet debating patent law and at the 2016 event Pamela Samuelson took on her evil twin Randy Picker on copyright. This year Michael Risch is pure evil while I stand for everything that's good in a debate about trade secrecy. Christopher Cotropia is our fierce moderator. It's at Thomas Jefferson Law School Friday 430 to 530 (and then we can go together to my campus for the book event) -  It will be fun! 

Third event, a timely serious panel moderated by Ed Rubin (Vanderbilt) with Robert Post (Yale), Will Forbath (Univ. of Texas), Jide Nzelibe (Northwestern), and myself speaking about the role of the scholar in the larger society, both in general and in response to Trump's election.  This will include questions about scholarly agendas and standards of objectivity as well as our normative obligations to our students and our ability to be neutral in highly political climates. Jan 3 at 1:30.

*** Update Will Forbath won't be making it to San Diego; Erwin Chemrinsky (Berkeley) has joined the panel instead.

Fourth event, not to neglect my employment law side -- I am part of the Employment and Labor law's section panel on The American Workplace in the Trump Era, Jan 5, 1:30. Hot-button issues - enforceability of class action waivers in arbitration agreements, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, joint employment doctrine, public employee speech, whistleblowing, NDAs and confidential settlements and more. 

 Other than that my dance card is completely empty - I look forward to seeing everyone!


San diego sunset


Posted by Orly Lobel on November 30, 2017 at 11:46 PM in Life of Law Schools, Orly Lobel, Things You Oughta Know if You Teach X, Travel | Permalink


Umm, I think you got who is evil and who is good backward. :)

Posted by: Michael Risch | Dec 2, 2017 9:43:44 AM

hah, funny to get in trouble for imperial appropriation of the word -- given that i myself am not American, forever an alien. but i see the point. I just used it because this is the slogan that is used very broadly for san diego "America's finest city" - e.g., the half marathon in "america's finest city" https://www.inmotionevents.com/event/afc-half/
i didn't know where the mantra came from, just heard it all around said about san diego, but you prompted me to do some research and turns out it has been the motto here for 37 years:
here is an LA times article that starts this way "Who gets credit for the legends of "America's Finest City"? Is it a pioneer, a clear thinker, a creative soul, a hard worker with a heart in the right place? Or is it someone who happened along at just the right time to inherit a priceless bit of folklore that he or she can cling to forevermore?
How often have you wondered who decided this or that about San Diego? Or any place you've lived? Is credit in the right hands, right name, right place? Does it matter? Did it ever?"
and another

anyway, thanks for nudging me to find out about the history of where i live!

Posted by: Orly Lobel | Dec 1, 2017 10:26:08 PM

By "America" you mean the finest city in all of North, South, and Central America, right? Otherwise, this is a pretty offensive and imperial appropriation of the word "America".

Personally, I think Toronto is America's greatest city.

Posted by: YesterdayIKilledAMammoth | Dec 1, 2017 4:23:28 PM

Thanks for the overview, Orly. Great stuff, and in a great locale! I'll have some recommended programs to plug in a bit as well.

Posted by: dan rodriguez | Dec 1, 2017 12:28:55 PM

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