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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Bernie Bernstein

I guess stupid acts of ignorant dog-whistle anti-Semitism grounded on stereotypes are preferable to Nazis marching with torches and pitchforks. My favorite comment came from Ariel Edwards-Levy, who reminded us that Bernie Bernstein's reporting partner for the Washington Post must be Woody Woodward. This story includes the audio of the robocall, which features a fake New York accent turned up to 11, although with a momentary "remaahks" that sounded more Boston than New York.

Posted by Howard Wasserman on November 14, 2017 at 08:38 PM in Culture, Howard Wasserman | Permalink


I laughed when I read the twitter comment about Shlomo Meshuga being cheated out of the Alabama desk.
Sometimes, all you can do is laugh at schm*ck who thought of the ruse would work.

Posted by: Paul | Nov 16, 2017 1:03:18 AM

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