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Tuesday, November 08, 2016
Law School Election Night Blogs
This year at least three law schools are holding Election Night events to watch returns come in and provide election law commentary. I'm currently with 10-12 members of the UK Election Law Society, and students are blogging here (after I approve the posts). William & Mary law students are blogging here. And Ohio State's Election Law @ Moritz students and faculty are providing insights here.
These events are a great way to engage students in election law issues while also providing important commentary to the community. I'm proud that a few years ago some students formed the UK Election Law Society on their own, and the event tonight is largely student-driven. Please hop on over to the website throughout the evening!
Posted by Josh Douglas on November 8, 2016 at 06:46 PM in Blogging, Law and Politics, Weblogs | Permalink
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