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Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Hiring Posts - Schedule
An approximate schedule of other posts follows, based off the dates of the first FAR submission (Thursday, August 18) and the AALS conference (October 13-15).
Wednesday, July 13 (today): Hiring committee thread posted. Available here.
Thursday, August 25: Law School Hiring, Thread One (reporting interview requests; last year's thread here). As usual, I will be looking for someone to volunteer to aggregate the information reported on this thread.
Thursday, August 25: Clearinghouse for Questions (last year's thread here).
Monday, October 17: Law School Hiring, Thread Two (reporting callback requests; last year's thread here). As usual, I will be looking for someone to volunteer to aggregate the information reported on this thread.
Monday, November 7: VAP thread (last year's thread here).
Late February/early March: Begin entry level hiring report data collection.
Posted by Sarah Lawsky on July 13, 2016 at 10:01 AM | Permalink
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