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Sunday, October 04, 2015
Leaving Prawfs
Today is the 10th anniversary of my first post on Prawfs. I started the day after the Harriet Miers nomination -- the nomination that launched the blawgosphere. I was only a guest blogger, but then this happened, and Dan invited me to stay on permanently. It has been a wonderful experience. I cannot imagine where I would be right now in my career without Dan and Prawfs. Blogging here enabled me to be a part of the national conversation with other scholars (and future FTC commissioners) on the controversies of the day. It got me to meet (and cyber-meet) a lot of really interesting law profs through book clubs, the Research Canons Project, open-source casebook conversations, everyday blogging, and the Prawfs (& cosponsors) Happy Hours that Dan masterminded. I never made a PrawfsFest!, which I really regret, but as part of the Prawfs community I met a lot more folks than I ever would have met otherwise in the academy.
The last few years have been tough for law students, law schools, and law profs. And the last year has been particularly hard as we continue to mourn Dan's absence. The Prawfs community has stayed strong in Dan's memory, and I know the site will continue to offer a place for "raw profs" young and old to meet, greet, tell us a little about themselves and their work, and make connections with the national community.
It is with sadness, then, that I tell you that I am leaving PrawfsBlawg. I will be joining the Conglomerate to do more blogging on corporate and employment law issues. I haven't done much blogging in the past year, and I haven't done much subject-area blogging in much longer than that. And I've probably done too much blogging about law schools and the issues they face. If you're interested in some of my bigger picture perspectives, you can check out "Funding Legal Scholarship" and "Law Students and Legal Scholarship," both of which started as blog posts here. (And I continue to think that AALS should be a bigger player here, even in the face of Dean Rodriguez's naysaying.)
So this is a goodbye -- at least in my capacity as "perma-prawf." I look forward to Prawfs sticking around for at least a few more decades, serving as a place for folks in the law school universe to share ideas, concerns, and sentiments. And I look forward to participating in that community. Thanks to everyone here for their hard work and generosity of spirit. And one more "thanks" to you, Dan -- you are the root for all that has followed.
Posted by Matt Bodie on October 4, 2015 at 04:43 PM in Blogging, Dan Markel | Permalink
Matt? You're leaving? But you're one of the good ones! What about the future?
Posted by: Gloober | Oct 5, 2015 12:36:53 PM
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