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Monday, July 20, 2015
Remembering Dan
I distinctly remember beginning my work day a year ago and coming across the news of Dan's death. I was in complete shock. As so many people have attested to since Dan's death, he was larger than life. Every time I saw Dan, he always had a million pieces of advice, and was overflowing with life. This was even more unique for me because I actually hadn't spent much time with Dan. Only a brief encounter with him was enough to make him a part of your life somehow. After he was gone, I realized that everyone had this experience with him. He was just so full of life that I can't believe it has been a year since he has been gone. It seemed only fitting to remember him on this blog, and hope that his two boys grow up thriving as he would have wanted.
Posted by Leigh Osofsky on July 20, 2015 at 09:36 AM in Dan Markel | Permalink
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