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Wednesday, July 01, 2015
Flesch Reading Ease and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level
That’s what this post is about. No Obergefell. No Greece. No ACA. Short sentences rule. I learned about this recently. We were reviewing standard agreements.
I looked at Flesch’s own website. That's him over there. He rated average readability scores.
Comics 92
Consumer ads in magazines 82
Movie Screen 75
Seventeen 67
Reader's Digest 65
Sports Illustrated 63
New York Daily News 60
Atlantic Monthly 57
Time 52
Newsweek 50
Wall Street Journal 43
Harvard Business Review 43
New York Times 39
New York Review of Books 35
Harvard Law Review 32
Standard auto insurance policy 10
You can have Microsoft Word calculate this for you. You need to complete the spell and grammar check. I did it to my new article. It is called “Lexical Opportunism and the Limits of Contract Theory.” The University of Cincinnati Law Review is going to publish it. Its Flesch reading ease score was 38.3. It ranked at 12th grade. That is better than the Harvard Law Review! It is about the same as the New York Times.
This blog post rates 76.8. It is at the reading level of somebody in the 4th grade. It is like reading Movie Screen or a consumer ad. But not Green Eggs and Ham. Green Eggs and Ham gets 100 in reading ease. It is 0 on the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level.
I do so like green eggs and ham!
Thank you, thank you, Sam-I-am.
Posted by Jeff Lipshaw on July 1, 2015 at 06:05 AM | Permalink
Comics: 92
Comics written by Chris Claremont:???
Posted by: jd | Jul 2, 2015 6:37:17 PM
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