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Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Terrific Piece on Identitarianism by Adolph Reed
I have been thinking for a few days on a proper response to the Dolezal/Jenner brouhaha that would capture my dismay at the enthusiasm of my friends in the left for eating their own via identitarian distinctions that made no logical sense. And look, Adolph Reed wrote it up way better than I could have. Enjoy.
Posted by Hadar Aviram on June 17, 2015 at 01:28 PM | Permalink
I think he's using what has come to be the conventional distinction between sex and gender (sex = biology, gender = the social construct). But that's really a minor point of the essay for me; what I appreciate about it is his critique of racial identitarianism.
Posted by: Hadar | Jun 17, 2015 3:05:22 PM
Adolph Reed spills some ink distinguishing Gender and Sex, but he gets it wrong. Gender means nothing more than kind from the Latin genus. If you ask a person's gender, a proper answer could be "regarding race, black and regarding sex, male." Our civil rights laws reflect that, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of "sex, age, race, ...."
Posted by: Jimbino | Jun 17, 2015 3:01:22 PM
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