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Monday, March 02, 2015

Entry Level Hiring: The 2015 Report - Call for Information

Time once again for the entry level hiring report.

I will gather the following information for tenure-track, clinical, or legal writing full-time entry-level hires: 

Basic Information: Name, Hiring School, JD Institution, JD Year of Graduation

Other Degrees: Type of Degree,  Degree Granting Institution, Degree Subject

Fellowship, VAP, or Visiting Professorship: Institution and Type (e.g., VAP, name of fellowship, etc.)

Clerkship: Court (e.g., 9th Circuit, Texas Supreme Court, etc.)

Areas of Speciality (up to four) (if you are a clinical or LRW hire, please list this as your first Area of Specialty)

Type of Position: Tenure Track or Non-Tenure Track (if you are clinical or LRW and also tenure-track, please indicate this)

The information will be aggregated on this spreadsheet (which is reproduced below and which you can view and download by clicking on this link); scroll across to see all of the information we will be aggregating. 

Please leave the information in the comments, and, to protect those on the job market, please sign the comment with your real name. (Ideally, the reporting person would be either the hired individual or someone from the hiring committee at the hiring school.) If you would like to email information instead of posting it, please send it to Sarah Lawsky at slawsky *at* law *dot* uci *dot* edu. Remember: you can't edit the spreadsheet yourself. To get your information into the spreadsheet, you must either post in the comments or email me.

I will also gather the names of schools that are doing no entry-level hiring this year (that's the second tab on the spreadsheet), so if you know for sure that your school is not doing entry-level hiring, please post that in the comments or email me.

If you see any errors, or if I have incorporated your information into the spreadsheet but you are not yet ready to make it public, please don't hesitate to email me, and I will take care of the problem as soon as I can.

Other links:

This report follows in the tradition of Larry Solum's excellent work over many years. 

2014 initial post, 2014 spreadsheet, 2014 report (with graphs).

2013 initial post, 2013 spreadsheet, 2013 report (with graphs).

2012 initial post, 2012 spreadsheet, 2012 report (with graphs).

2011 initial post, 2011 spreadsheet, 2011 report (with graphs).

All PrawfsBlawg entry level hiring report tagged posts.

[Originally posted 3/2/15]

Posted by Sarah Lawsky on March 2, 2015 at 01:55 PM in Entry Level Hiring Report, Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market | Permalink


Since it seems like 90% of people who got positions had VAPs beforehand...could someone please tell me how the hell to get a VAP?

Posted by: anon | May 23, 2015 9:56:01 PM

Name: Alison Tait
Hiring School: University of Richmond
JD Institution: Yale
JD Year of Graduation: 2011
Other Degree: Ph.D., Yale University
Fellowship: Columbia
Clerkship: Connecticut Supreme Court
Areas of Specialty: trusts and estates, family and marital property, legal history
Type of Position: Tenure-track

Name: Ashley Dobbs
Hiring School: University of Richmond
JD Institution: University of Richmond
JD Year of Graduation: 2005
Areas of Specialty: clinical, intellectual property, entrepreneurship, cyberlaw
Type of Position: IP/Transactional Law Clinic

Posted by: Jim Gibson | May 19, 2015 2:28:04 PM

For legal studies professor hires by business schools, please see here: http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/business_law/2015/05/legal-studies-professor-hires-for-fall-2015.html

Posted by: Haskell Murray | May 14, 2015 1:33:08 PM

Name: Natalie Nanasi
Hiring School: SMU Dedman School of Law
JD Institution: Georgetown
JD Year of Graduation: 2006
Fellowship: American University, Washington College of Law - Practitioner in Residence
Clerkship: D.C. Superior Court
Areas of Specialty: clinic, domestic violence, immigration
Type of Position: Tenure Track (I am a clinician)

Posted by: Natalie Nanasi | May 4, 2015 11:10:25 AM

Allison tait colum associate in law hired at richmond per link above.

Posted by: Anon | May 3, 2015 10:28:53 AM

Seems imprudent to close this by May 1st, since there are many fellows who are still deciding. See http://leiterlawschool.typepad.com/leiter/2015/04/congratulations-to-the-chicago-alumni.html (I will have a separate post about our Bigelows and other Fellows once their situations are all settled; as always, they all have tenure-track offers.)


Posted by: anonn | May 1, 2015 5:26:32 PM

Claudia Flores will be joining the U Chicago Law School faculty as an assistant clinical professor. See http://www.law.uchicago.edu/news/claudia-flores-named-director-international-human-rights-clinic

Posted by: anon | May 1, 2015 11:54:39 AM

JayA - because the Wharton legal department, in particular, hires from the same set of candidates that law schools hire from, faculty publish in many of the same places, and often intermingle with law faculty at various schools where scholarship interests overlap (which is a lot of the time).

Posted by: anony | Apr 27, 2015 7:29:04 PM

Why is Wharton included on a law school hiring list?

Posted by: JayA | Apr 27, 2015 6:42:05 PM


Posted by: Anon | Apr 25, 2015 9:06:52 PM

Chicago has hired John Rappaport, Genevieve Lakier, and Daniel Hemel -- details here: http://www.law.uchicago.edu/news/lakier-hemel-and-rappaport-join-faculty-0

Posted by: Will Baude | Apr 10, 2015 11:09:49 AM

Katherine Macfarlane
Also hired by Idaho
JD from Loyola (Los Angeles) 2006
Teaching Fellowship, LSU Law Center
Clerked (1) District of Arizona (2) Ninth Circuit
Civil Procedure, Civil Rights Litigation, Disability Law

Posted by: Kat Macfarlane | Apr 7, 2015 7:38:15 PM

David Pimentel
hired by Idaho
JD, UC Berkeley, 1988
MA Economics, UC Berkeley
V. Assoc. P., Ohio Northern
Fulbright, Univ. of Sarajevo
Clerked D. Hawaii
Contracts, Remedies, Law and Economics, Post-conflict justice
Tenure Track

Posted by: David Pimentel | Apr 7, 2015 4:11:22 PM

I have accepted a tenure-track position with Northern Illinois University's School of Law. I graduated from Stanford Law School in 2004, clerked for a federal district judge in Arizona, worked as a California prosecutor (state and federal) for eight years, and am finishing my VAP at BYU. My research is primarily in criminal procedure.

Posted by: Dan McConkie | Apr 6, 2015 6:38:39 PM

Jason Kreag, Arizona, Harvard, 2003
VAP: Arizona
Clerkship: Second Circuit
Speciality: Criminal Procedure

Posted by: Dave Marcus | Mar 25, 2015 12:31:01 PM

I have deleted all comments that are not reports of job offers or direct suggestions about how improve data collection.

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Mar 25, 2015 10:43:02 AM

Larua Napoli Coordes, Arizona State University, University of Chicago, 2010, VAP at Arizona State University, Bankruptcy, Tenure Track

Posted by: Adam Chodorow | Mar 4, 2015 8:21:33 PM

Thanks for compiling this, Sarah. Just to be clear, I haven't yet finished my PhD, so it might make more sense to omit it or list it as pending or in candidacy or something similar.

Posted by: Peter Conti-Brown | Mar 4, 2015 1:39:15 PM

@Wash, this is a good idea, but it would be very difficult to put into practice without a lot of sorting-type work on my part.

Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Mar 3, 2015 12:19:22 PM

Have you thought about collecting publication data? Even just how many law review articles would be interesting. I sometimes wonder how someone landed their job, and maybe it is because of a number of good law review article placements, even if the rest of their CV is sub-par.

Posted by: Wash | Mar 2, 2015 5:40:49 PM

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