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Saturday, October 25, 2014
The "Oral Argument" Podcast
I realize that, for some, podcasts are very five years ago. But for those who still partake, one of my favorite legal podcasts is "Oral Argument," produced by (and starring) my friends (and University of Georgia School of Law Professors) Joe Miller and Christian Turner. Unfortunately, in this week's episode, they fell victim to one of the classic blunders: They had me as the guest. Among other things, we talked in detail about the minefield that is the availability of private remedies to challenge government action (see, e.g., Howard's post on the Eleventh Amendment). The catalyst of the discussion is the Armstrong case the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear during its upcoming Term (which, as I've previously written here, could be the real sleeper of the Term if the Court scales back the availabity of Ex parte Young relief).
This week's blip notwithstanding, the other episodes have been quite entertaining (and enlightening), at least for nerds like me...
Posted by Steve Vladeck on October 25, 2014 at 09:02 AM in Steve Vladeck | Permalink
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