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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Memorials for Dan Markel (Updated)

So much outpouring of affection for our friend.

1) At Brooklyn Law School as we speak (it began around 5:30). It is on the 22d floor of Feil Hall, 205 State Street (building # 3 on this map). Sorry for the late notice; get there if you can.

2) Correction: The informal gathering at Harvard Hillel happened on Wednesday (yesterday). aplogies for the confusion. You can email Jill Goldenziel at "Jill underscore Goldenziel at hks dot harvard dot edu" for further information. Apparently, HLS Dean Martha Minow and the director of Hillel both indicated a desire to do something more formal in the future. Stay tuned.

3) Funeral and shiva in Toronto on Thursday. You can email any of the perma-Prawfs for more details and information on these events and on memorial tributes.

4) Florida State will sponsor a memorial at the upcoming SEALS Conference at Amelia Island on Monday August 4 from 6:15-7:15, right after a discussion group in which Dan was to participate. Precise location will be announced soon. If you plan to attend, please fill out this form.

5) Also at SEALS, will be the first-ever MarkelFest! on Saturday evening, August 2 (Time and Location T/B/D). As you know, blog-sponsored happy hours have been a regular feature at the major prawf conferences, thanks to Dan's energy and organizational skills. Steve Vladeck suggested that all such gatherings should henceforth be known as MarkelFest!(s) and we agreed.

6) Law and Society's Collaborative Research Network # 27 (Punishment and Social Control), will host a panel in Dan's memory on retribution at the 2015 Law & Society Association Annual Meeting in Seattle, May 28-31, 2015. Regular Guestprawf Hadar Aviram is co-chairing the group. Anyone whose work corresponds with Dan's or retributivism and is interested in participating on that panel can send an abstract to Hadar.

We will post information about other local gatherings and memorial efforts as we receive them.

Posted by Howard Wasserman on July 22, 2014 at 05:53 PM in Howard Wasserman | Permalink


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