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Saturday, May 10, 2014
Workshop Advice
Hear, hear. (From Feminist Law Professors) (H/T: Kerri Stone):
Posted by Howard Wasserman on May 10, 2014 at 09:31 AM in Howard Wasserman, Teaching Law | Permalink
I don't know, bros. My tendency in law school (I'm a man) was to just keep my mouth shut so as not to waste anyone's time. I figured that since 99% of what my classmates said in class was pretty useless, odds are my own BS would be pretty useless too. Unless I needed an answer to something I couldn't just look up online, I'd rather just let the prof keep on truckin' up there. Maybe women just think before speaking more often than men?
TL;DR: Nobody says anything useful in class anyway and maybe the ladies are just more self-aware about it.
Posted by: Bobbo McBobertsonton | May 12, 2014 12:27:39 PM
Interesting point, Jack. This is exactly what studies suggest that female students do more than male students; think (overthink) about the worth of the contribution they have an impulse to make.
Posted by: CHS | May 11, 2014 3:34:07 AM
This is an interesting post in light of the recent studies about female confidence and female citation rates. I think there may be a grain of wisdom in this amusing chart. But is it strategic for women (and non-whites) to hold their tongues unless they are certain they have a great contribution? My guess is that a disproportionate number of the most highly cited scholars have a style where they err on the side of engaging and charging in, taking risks and assuming that whatever they say is important because they say it.
Posted by: Jack | May 10, 2014 8:25:42 PM
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