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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Better to post your criticisms on Twitter, I guess

One law student's travails (from Above the Law).

Posted by Howard Wasserman on April 2, 2014 at 12:08 PM in Howard Wasserman, Teaching Law | Permalink


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Nice point, Lisa!

Posted by: andy | Apr 6, 2014 4:03:06 PM

I am really, really confused by this section of the ATL post:

"Really, this is the fallacy of all gunners, everywhere. They think their opinions are (a) important, (b) useful, and (c) helpful, to themselves or others. They are not. I bet for most of her life, people have told this girl to raise her hand and speak up and generally be assertive. I bet everybody told her she was God’s own special snowflake, and if she had an insightful question for Judge Rakoff, there was no harm in asking.

"But really, after a failed attempt to get a summer job, I wonder how many people counseled her to do some quiet contemplation? Some soul searching? Some friendship bonding? How many people told this student that sometimes just listening was the way forward?

"Sometimes, we can’t be masters of our destiny. Sometimes, we have to just ride the wave a little bit and see where we end up . . .

"Just chill for a second. Stop and smell a rose; don’t uproot it in hopes of finding a map to a clandestine networking event. Take a few weeks to reflect on why you didn’t get a job this summer, and try to figure out what you are going to do next fall to improve.

Sometimes, to take a step forward, we must take a step back."

OK. So, is what Elie saying that law students don't know everything, and maybe others have more experience and insight, and maybe students would learn by listening?

Because I thought ATL had a pretty darn strong inclination to tell students to rise up, tell everyone how horrible law school and law profs are, and blame their lack of success on greedy law profs rather than take some personal responsibility?

This has really messed up my day. The world is not as I thought it was.

Posted by: Lisa McElroy | Apr 6, 2014 12:20:38 PM

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