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Wednesday, April 09, 2014
Happy 9th Birthday, PrawfsBlawg!
Here are some selections from our birth-week--for some reason I had misremembered our birthday as April 9, but in fact it was April 5, 2005.
I grow old, I grow old ... I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.
Next year, to celebrate our 10th, I'll be buying a round of Ensure shakes for all the geezers at our Prawfs-Co-Op happy hour.
Posted by Administrators on April 9, 2014 at 12:44 AM in Blogging | Permalink
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It's particularly fascinating to read the thread on admissions from back in week 1. What a bygone world!
Posted by: Ian Holloway | Apr 9, 2014 1:11:00 AM
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