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Monday, March 03, 2014
Entry Level Hiring: The 2014 Report - Call for Information
Time once again for the entry level hiring report.
I will gather the following information for tenure-track, clinical, or legal writing full-time entry-level hires:
Basic Information: Name, Hiring School, JD Institution, JD Year of Graduation
Other Degrees: Type of Degree, Degree Granting Institution, Degree Subject
Fellowship, VAP, or Visiting Professorship: Institution and Type (e.g., VAP, name of fellowship, etc.)
Clerkship: Court (e.g., 9th Circuit, Texas Supreme Court, etc.)
Areas of Speciality (up to four) (if you are a clinical or LRW hire, please list this as your first Area of Specialty)
Type of Position: Tenure Track or Non-Tenure Track (if you are clinical or LRW and also tenure-track, please indicate this)
The information will be aggregated on this spreadsheet (which is reproduced below and which you can view and download by clicking on this link); scroll across to see all of the information we will be aggregating.
Please leave the information in the comments, and, to protect those on the job market, please sign the comment with your real name. (Ideally, the reporting person would be either the hired individual or someone from the hiring committee at the hiring school.) If you would like to email information instead of posting it, please send it to Sarah Lawsky at slawsky *at* law *dot* uci *dot* edu. Remember: you can't edit the spreadsheet yourself. To get your information into the spreadsheet, you must either post in the comments or email me.
We will also gather the names of schools that are doing no entry-level hiring this year (that's the second tab on the spreadsheet), so if you know for sure that your school is not doing entry-level hiring, please post that in the comments or email me.
If you see any errors, or if I have incorporated your information into the spreadsheet but you are not yet ready to make it public, please don't hesitate to email me, and I will take care of the problem as soon as I can.
Other links:
This report follows in the tradition of Larry Solum's excellent work over many years.
2013 initial post, 2013 spreadsheet, 2013 report (with graphs).
2012 initial post, 2012 spreadsheet, 2012 report (with graphs).
2011 initial post, 2011 spreadsheet, 2011 report (with graphs).
All PrawfsBlawg entry level hiring report tagged posts.
[Originally posted 3/3/14]
Posted by Sarah Lawsky on March 3, 2014 at 09:47 AM in Entry Level Hiring Report | Permalink
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Here is my hiring information:
NAME: Danielle Cover
HIRING SCHOOL: University of Wyoming College of Law
JD INSTITUTION: Tulane University School of Law
FELLOWSHIP/VAP: University of Baltimore School of Law, Bronfein Family Law Clinic, Visiting Professor 2012-14
SPECIALITY: Family Law, General Civil Litigation, Veterans' Benefits
POSITION TYPE: Tenure track (Director of Legal Services Clinic)
Posted by: Danielle Cover | May 20, 2014 1:50:13 PM
Is it just me, or does this list seem vastly more Yale-heavy than in years past?
Posted by: anon | May 1, 2014 10:15:56 PM
... and one of the Duke VAPs (https://law.duke.edu/fac/peery/) has joined Northwestern. Should have made that one post.
Posted by: anon | Apr 28, 2014 6:35:06 PM
One of the Northwestern VAPs (http://www.law.northwestern.edu/faculty/profiles/MigueldeFigueiredo/) has joined UConn.
Posted by: anon | Apr 28, 2014 6:33:30 PM
Oops that was me. I'm really sorry, I thought it was ok to say a specific candidate had an offer at a specific school. No harm meant. Guess I should have said just that I know Stanford Law has an offer out to... someone.
Posted by: anon2 | Apr 27, 2014 11:42:44 PM
[Please do not use the thread to speculate about individual candidates by name. Thanks.--SBL]
Posted by: anon2 | Apr 27, 2014 7:06:03 PM
James Binnall was hired at Savannah this year. He holds a JD from Thomas Jefferson, an LLM from Georgetown, an MA from UC Irvine, and he's currently a PhD candidate at UC Irvine. He was hired to teach courses in criminal law.
Posted by: scholasticatastica | Apr 27, 2014 11:23:47 AM
Posted by: anon | Apr 23, 2014 12:17:07 PM
Posted by: anon | Apr 18, 2014 3:41:29 PM
Basic Information, name: Bradford William Short
Hiring School: North South University, Department of Law (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
JD Institution: Fordham Law School, 2004
Other Degrees: LL.M.
Degree Subject: Legal History (unofficially; officially "General LL.M.")
Degree Granting Institution: George Washington University Law School
Fellowship, VAP, or Visiting Professorship: None
Clerkship: None
Areas of Specialty: British/Bangladeshi Legal History; American Constitutional Law
Type of Position: "Core Faculty"
Posted by: Bradford W. Short | Apr 17, 2014 5:28:36 AM
Posted by: anon | Apr 10, 2014 7:05:30 PM
What is the deal with South Carolina?they seem to have done a ton of hiring, though when the season was ongoing, they were not advertising all these positions. It also seems that many schools went with lateral hires rather than entry level. Leiter has a list of the laterals and many of those schools were interviewing at AALS yet decided to go with laterals who were grossly underplaced in the past few seasons.
Going lateral appears to be especially the trend among higher ranked schools. you cannot blame the schools- why take a risk with an entry level when you can go with a lateral with a great reputation and lots of publications already? I compare myself with many of the laterals hired for positions I interviewed with and I feel like it is almost like I did not even stand a chance, given how truly awesome many of the laterals hired are, some of them even being professors with tenure at schools with budget issues.
I fear that in upcoming seasons we will see this trend continuing, with entry levels being hired mainly at tier 3 and 4 schools and tier 1 schools going with laterals or maybe even laterals taking over a majority of positions for entry levels. Most of the positions on the entry level report are from lower ranked schools, amd even people from top fellowship programs ended up with schools ranked below 100. I suppose the main thing that keeps an entry level market active is that entry levels are cheaper, though you will probably have a few seasons of people from top fellowships/qualifications going to tier 3 or 4 schools and they may be less demanding on salary and perks in order to move up, effectively diminishing the entry level market even more.
Posted by: anon | Apr 10, 2014 12:40:44 PM
Brian Leiter on the dismal state of the entry level market: 'This was the most difficult year in the law teaching market in decades (my guess is maybe sixty or seventy new faculty were hired nationwide this year--down from over a hundred last year, and over 150 just a few years ago).'
Posted by: anon | Apr 10, 2014 11:49:45 AM
Stanford has multiple offers out.
Posted by: anon | Apr 9, 2014 11:20:14 AM
Rumors, etc: I know of at least one offer by Yale and Harvard, and Chicago made a hire this year. Not sure about NYU or any of the other top 10 schools not already listed.
Posted by: anon | Apr 9, 2014 10:28:49 AM
What area is the Northwestern person?
Posted by: anon | Apr 9, 2014 1:09:01 AM
Based strictly on gossip and rumors: Yale (as usual) and Harvard are probably not doing entry-level hiring. Chicago made two hires last year, and may not be doing any either. Stanford has at least one offer out. No word on NYU. Northwestern has at least one hire that hasn't been reported here yet.
Posted by: anon | Apr 9, 2014 12:22:48 AM
HYS? Chicago? NYU? no hires?
Posted by: anon | Apr 8, 2014 10:03:57 AM
Despite the generally miserable state of the market, this somehow seems to be a banner year for legal history. Apart from the two that are posted above (Fleming and Zhang), there's also this: http://www.law.columbia.edu/media_inquiries/news_events/2014/january2014/jeremy-kessler. That's three top schools hiring in legal history in the same year, which I think hasn't happened in a very long time.
Posted by: anon | Apr 3, 2014 12:27:36 PM
Name: Catherine Crump
Hiring School: Berkeley
JD Institution: Stanford
JD Awarded: 2004
Fellowship, etc.: None
Clerkship: 9th Cir.
Areas of Specialty: Clinical (technology law and policy clinic)
Position Type: Tenure-track clinical equivalent
Posted by: Catherine Crump | Apr 3, 2014 9:24:41 AM
Thanks for doing this. Here is the info you requested:
Name: Beth Colgan
Hiring School: UCLA
JD Institution: Northwestern
JD Awarded: 2000
Fellowship: Stanford Thomas C. Grey Fellowship
Areas of Specialty: Criminal Procedure, Criminal Law, Juvenile Law
Position Type: Tenure-track
Posted by: Beth Colgan | Apr 2, 2014 2:06:07 AM
Thanks Sarah! Information as follows:
Name: Kevin Sobel-Read
Hiring School: Newcastle Law School, University of Newcastle (Australia)
JD Institution: NYU Law
JD Awarded: 2002
Other Degree: PhD, Duke University, Cultural Anthropology (2012)
Fellowship/VAP: n/a
Clerkship: n/a
Areas of Specialty: Global Value Chains / Commercial Law & Transnational Trade / Contract Law / Corporate Law
Other: Duke Law Senior Lecturing Fellow
Position Type: Tenure-track equivalent
Posted by: Kevin Sobel-Read | Apr 1, 2014 3:45:33 PM
I know of several additional placements not reported here (i.e., candidates to whom my school extended offers who turned us down for better schools). The final list will no doubt be short, but not quite so short.
Posted by: not it | Mar 30, 2014 12:11:49 PM
Wow. Is this it?
Posted by: anon | Mar 30, 2014 10:55:25 AM
Basic Info: Susannah Pollvogt; hired by Washburn Law; graduated Yale Law School 1998.
Clerkship: Vermont Supreme Court.
Areas of Specialty: Academic Support; Bar Passage; Torts; Con Law (Equal Protection).
Type of Position: Tenure Track.
I would note that, because of the specialized nature of the position, Washburn advertised in the AALS bulletin but did not interview through the conference, as far as I know.
Posted by: Susannah Pollvogt | Mar 25, 2014 10:25:28 AM
Not everyone who accepted has posted here. In any case, to my mind, the drop is both precipitous and expected.
Posted by: teacher | Mar 24, 2014 8:17:23 PM
37 is not unexpected. Recall that there were only 80-90 schools at Aals whereas usually there is 150 schools. Many schools, including many top schools, were at aals but are not listed here. Did these schools simply interview at aals and not hire? If so, I doubt this list will get to be more than 50-60, if that. Many schools probably just decided to sit out the market even if they interviewed at aals.
If 50% to 75% of the 80 schools at AALS actually hired, that probably would be within the range of what many anticipated. Further, that yield, based on how many schools actually showed up at AALS, is not all that different from years past, maybe just a slight dip with some schools showing up to aals just to scope the market. Many schools just did not hire, and many subject matters simply had no or few spots.
Posted by: anon | Mar 24, 2014 5:32:14 PM
At this time last year, there were about 60 jobs reported. To date this year, we have about 37 reported jobs. Based on these numbers, I would expect a decline in jobs of about 40 percent this year from last year, with a total number of jobs in the 70-ish range. This is pretty bad, and I'm sure this market has inflicted a lot of pain on candidates (but it is not nearly as bad as the roughly 70 percent decline suggested above).
Posted by: anon | Mar 24, 2014 5:03:34 PM
It is pretty amazing that thus far there are 35-40 reported hires this year, as compared to 110-150/year over the last few years. I know the 2014 numbers are preliminary, but that is an incredible drop!
Posted by: NonProf#77 | Mar 24, 2014 4:37:36 PM
Maybe time to bump this to the top and scare up some more reports?
Posted by: A. Nonymous | Mar 24, 2014 2:15:56 PM
I know of at least some offers still under consideration, although nothing that seems different from previous years' patterns when some folks would wait until after they were prepared to notify their current employers (e.g., firms) before posting....
Posted by: anon | Mar 24, 2014 12:56:28 PM
Is hiring done for the year or are there people still weighing offers?
Posted by: anon | Mar 24, 2014 10:34:44 AM
bump the thread?
Posted by: anon | Mar 20, 2014 3:23:42 PM
It's nice to have more info, but just to prevent duplication, that information was already included on March 6.
Posted by: anon | Mar 11, 2014 10:07:45 PM
Thanks, Sarah, for doing this! Here's a report from Notre Dame:
Veronica Root, Notre Dame Law School, University of Chicago Law School '08
VAP: Notre Dame Law School (2012-14)
Clerkship: Chief Judge Carl E. Stewart, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
Professional Responsibility, Employment Discrimination, Contracts, Business Associations
Tenure Track
Posted by: Rick Garnett | Mar 11, 2014 9:19:50 PM
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for organizing these posts. They were very helpful as I looked for a job. Here are my details:
NAME: Matthew Bruckner
HIRING SCHOOL: Howard University School of Law
FELLOWSHIP/VAP: St. John's Law (Research Professor, 2011-13),
Cleveland-Marshall (Visiting Clinical Professor,
CLERKSHIP: Southern District of New York, Bankruptcy Court
SPECIALITY: Bankruptcy, Commercial/transactional/business law
POSITION TYPE: Tenure track
FWIW, I also had 3 publications and 2.5 years at a large law firm before going to clerk.
Posted by: Matthew Bruckner | Mar 7, 2014 11:14:02 AM
Seth Stoughton; University of South Carolina; JD: University of Virginia 2011; Climenko Fellowship; Clerkship: Judge Kenneth F. Ripple (7th Cir); Subject Areas: Regulation of the Police, Crim. Pro., Crim. Law; Tenure-track.
Posted by: Seth Stoughton | Mar 7, 2014 10:04:08 AM
Agnieszka McPeak, University of Toledo, JD: Tulane 2007, Loyola New Orleans Westerfield Fellow, Civ Pro, Ethics, Evidence, Technology & New Media, Tenure-Track
Posted by: Geoff Rapp | Mar 6, 2014 7:29:27 PM
Nicholson Price; UNH; JD: Columbia 2011; PhD, Columbia, Biology; Fellowship: Harvard Petrie-Flom Fellow; Clerkship: Judge Bea (9th Cir); Subject Areas: IP, Health Law, Property, FDA Law, Admin; Tenure Track
Posted by: Nicholson Price | Mar 5, 2014 10:00:06 AM
What about adding a column for years of practice/gov't experience, which is something that at least some schools seem increasingly interested in?
Posted by: Anon | Mar 5, 2014 1:04:32 AM
In addition to two laterals (Troy Rule and Rhett Larson), Arizona State hired two entry-level candidates:
Kaiponanea Matsumura, JD Institution, UCLA 2007; Thomas C. Grey Fellow, Stanford; Clerkship: Judge Tashima (9th Cir); Subject Areas: Contracts, Family Law, Law & Sexuality; tenure-track.
Erin Scharff, JD Institution, NYU 2011; VAP, NYU; Clerkship: Judge W. Fletcher (9th Cir); Subject Areas: Tax; tenure-track.
Posted by: Zachary Kramer | Mar 4, 2014 12:34:12 AM
A suggestion re: publications -- if they're going to be included, I suggest having successful candidates list only the number of law publications (not including academic publications in other fields) -- i.e., those which would count towards their tenure package had they been written while on the tenure-track.
The reason for this suggestion is that what counts as a "major publication" varies widely by field, with -- for example -- many scientists graduating from their Ph.D. programs with 10+ publications if not more. Non-law publications may substantially distort the reporting numbers.
Posted by: anon | Mar 3, 2014 2:33:22 PM
Re: Number of publications: I agree that it's tricky, but there's at least one "non-discretionary" data point (which is itself based on discretionary data). This year, the AALS form asked candidates to report their number of publications. You had to say "10," or "2," etc. And while there's some incentive to inflate, there's a competing incentive not to be seen as a liar. It might be interesting to know "number of publications as reported on AALS form."
Posted by: anon | Mar 3, 2014 12:05:17 PM
That's a good suggestion, but generally I've been trying to steer away from anything that takes much discretion to report. I know that years since graduation is not a perfect proxy for years of practice (people get graduate degrees, etc., etc.) but it's not too terrible. I do take your point, though.
Similar with number of publications--it would be useful to know, but sorting amongst what counts as a publication, etc., is pretty complicated.
Posted by: Sarah Lawsky | Mar 3, 2014 10:47:53 AM
Thanks for doing this. Any chance there can be a "years of practice" (not including clerkships) column as well, or is that too complicated/prone to error?
Posted by: anon | Mar 3, 2014 10:41:54 AM
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