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Friday, January 03, 2014

Rotations and AALS Sundry

Happy new year everyone!  It's a snowy day here in Manhattan, but the AALS conference is still slated to unfold this morning. 

A few minor programming announcements. First, domestically here at Prawfs, I'm delighted to both welcome back Ann Marciarille (MO) and Nancy Leong (DU) to the conversation here and to express thanks to Miriam Baer (BLS) for staying along for the ride in January. Greetings and welcome back!

Also, Eric Posner is now officially unhinged-- he is doing some awesome blogging over at his new website, Ericposner.com.  Needless to say, I am hoping that Eric will abandon his solo blog and instead join our ranks here at PrawfsBlawg, where there's a larger and more passionate market for his posts observing, among other things, the graphical relationship between pomposity and the social value of legal scholarship. Eric, by way of this public invitation, let me reassure you that you can cross-post your graphs and apercus.

Even more importantly, with respect to the NYC law prof world, let's talk about boozing and schmoozing. Tonight is the annual Prawfs/Concurring Opinions Happy Hour. It will take place at the Bridges Bar in the NY Hilton, where the AALS conference is taking place, and the fun will begin around 930 and continue until all the cats are dead.

Second, in addition to the typical foofaraw happening at the Hilton, the Fed Soc is hosting its free shadow faculty conference (schedule here). I'll be there later this afternoon to present a 7 minute version of my paper with Howard Wasserman and Michael McCann called, Catalyzing Fans.

Third, since I'm on the executive committee for the Scholarship Section of AALS, I want to alert readers to the very cool panel we've put together, starring, among others, Prawfs' very own Matt Bodie. Here's the info:

Many law professors publish exclusively or primarily in law reviews. Others make different choices and author books, write essays, draft amicus briefs, prepare comment letters to regulators, or blog. Some do a combination of the above. Panelists will discuss why they have chosen to disseminate their ideas outside of the conventional law review format. Why write a book? What kind of scholarship is more appropriate for a book as opposed to a series of articles? When should one try to draft an amicus brief, or prepare a comment letter to a regulator? The panel will be asked to discuss choices they have made in deciding how they disseminate their ideas and try to influence lawyers, colleagues, policy-makers and others. 

The panel includes:

Speaker: Douglas A. Berman, The Ohio State University, Michael E. Moritz College of Law 

Speaker: Matthew T. Bodie, Saint Louis University School of Law 

Moderator: Michelle Dempsey, Villanova University School of Law 
Speaker: Mary L. Dudziak, Emory University School of Law 
Speaker: Greg Lastowka, Rutgers School of Law - Camden 
One last thing: if you're a crimprof and you're in town for AALS, please remember that on Monday January 6, the NYC Crim Theory Colloquium will be occurring at Brooklyn Law School at 3pm-6pm, with papers by Francois Tanguay-Renaud and Jenny Carroll. If you want the papers and you're not otherwise on our list, let me know. Mike Cahill and I hope you can join us.
Happy new year again, and look forward to seeing many of you at tonight's festivities.

Posted by Administrators on January 3, 2014 at 09:06 AM in Blogging | Permalink


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Was the Scholarship presentation recorded and available to see? I was unable to make it to AALS and would love to see this presentation still. Thanks.

Posted by: Curious | Jan 8, 2014 8:32:23 AM

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