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Thursday, January 02, 2014

No scholarly system is perfect

A while back, the blawgosphere was abuzz with discussion of the problems with law reviews and legal scholarship. Courtesy of Jim Pfander (Northwestern) comes  this editorial by several neuroscientists identifying a raft of problems in scientific scholarship, including plagiarism, image manipulation, and data manipulation and fabrication (the latter is blamed in part on the tendency of scientific journals to publish only "positive" findings). This is not to suggest that the law review system is necessarily better, just that everything has its own problems.

Posted by Howard Wasserman on January 2, 2014 at 05:28 PM in Howard Wasserman | Permalink


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That there might be problems in academic scholarship does not forgive the sins of law review drivel.

Posted by: Faux Equivalence | Jan 3, 2014 8:54:29 AM

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