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Saturday, September 07, 2013
Data Mining New York Times Wedding Announcements
As I surfed the net during the last ND-Michigan game commercial, I came across a website that may be of interest to family law profs: Wedding Crunchers. The site, which works similarly to Google's Ngram Viewer, has about 60,000 New York Times wedding and engagement announcements from 1981 through today, which are searchable by terms. The results are graphed by year and by term frequency. Although the data is limited to couples selected by the elite NY newspaper, The Atlantic has a write up of demographic implications from the data here, such as how the age of marriage has shifted over time, when society started to emphasize educational credentials over birth ones, and the rise of Teach for America as a credential. Interesting, but is there anything that is not online and searchable these days?
Posted by Margaret Ryznar on September 7, 2013 at 08:49 PM | Permalink
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Interestingly, "Harvard" appears more often than "love" in these announcements.
Posted by: Margaret Ryznar | Sep 8, 2013 12:56:04 AM
So of course I queried the Ivy League Law Schools.... http://joshblackman.com/blog/2013/09/07/getting-married-at-ivy-league-law-schools/
Posted by: Josh Blackman | Sep 8, 2013 12:40:22 AM
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