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Wednesday, May 01, 2013


Happy May Day all!

For our new month, I'm delighted to welcome a band of new but familiar voices to the conversation this month: Jack Chin (Davis), Nancy Leong (Denver), Jake Linford (FSU), Glenn Cohen (Harvard); Jessie Hill (Case Western); Michael Helfand (Pepperdine), and here for the first time, Lisa Tucker McElroy (Drexel).

Some of our April guests may still be lingering, but please join me in thanking them for all their contributions. We look forward to seeing you again soon, and we're glad you could celebrate our 8th Anniversary with us this month.

Mark your calendars for Law and Society, which is coming up in Boston at the end of May. We'll be having our annual Prawfs and friends Happy Hour on Saturday, June 1, at 9pm, location to be announced.

Posted by Administrators on May 1, 2013 at 09:36 PM in Blogging | Permalink


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