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Thursday, April 11, 2013

OMFG It's the Michigan Law Review Books Issue

The annual books issue of the Michigan Law Review is always one of my favorite law review issues of the year. (Yes, some of us still think in terms of law review "issues.") For one thing, I love books and am glad to see them get attention in the legal periodical literature--especially now that I've written a couple of the suckers. For another, too many law reviews, for totally understandable reasons that have to do with getting cite counts rather than actually serving the cause of legal scholarship, do too little book reviewing. Also, from a sheer reader's perspective, book reviews are often among the best-written things in law reviews, both because they can skip over the usual massive literature review section and (I am now coming to think) because the format tamps down on the need for ridiculously overextended "novelty" claims. 

Anyway, this year's issue is now out and available online. It includes my review of Brian Tamanaha's Failing Law Schools and Walter Olson's Schools for Misrule, but it also has many good pieces. Enjoy!


Posted by Paul Horwitz on April 11, 2013 at 10:28 AM in Paul Horwitz | Permalink


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I too like reviews (RIP Roger Ebert) but unlike the guy there, do from time to time actually read the book in question. And, it IS hard to like the lead in Mansfield Park though with a family like that, her reactions are understandable. Plus, she was such a killjoy about they doing a play.

Posted by: Joe | Apr 16, 2013 11:03:30 AM

Only 15 books reviewed? Sheesh, I remember when they'd review dozens.

Posted by: David Bernstein | Apr 14, 2013 9:52:22 AM

I'll admit to being sad that the issue includes no legal philosophy or jurisprudence and no international law or closely related issues.

Posted by: Matt | Apr 11, 2013 1:11:21 PM

This is a *terrific* scene

Posted by: D.Schleicher | Apr 11, 2013 11:42:43 AM

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