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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

It's official. Being a Markel(l) is a BFOQ at FSU.

As Brian noted over at his blog, Florida State now has Judge Bruce Markell joining our law faculty come this summer. With myself and Dave Markell already, our new addition ensures (so far as I know) that we have a monopoly on the legal academics named Markel(l). While we all pronounce it the same way, we have no reason to think we're actually related. Still, prior to extending Judge Markell an offer, we considered making the offer conditional on Bruce adding a 3d L to his last name, but we decided to go crazy and let him keep it as is.

Given that we have a small faculty of about 30 folks, it's a bit weird admittedly. But as I understand it, there are 3 Kelly type last names at Notre Dame and 3 Kennedy's at HLS. And of course, there are 3 Weinribs at U of Toronto (but they're all related). Anyone know of other nominal clusters?

And yes, Patchen Markell, we're coming after you and then Howard Markel next. Why shouldn't FSU have an accomplished Hegel scholar and medical historian in its mix?

Posted by Administrators on March 5, 2013 at 03:18 PM in Blogging | Permalink


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Interesting trilogies. Do any of your institutions have more than one Muslim or more than one Sikh or more than one Hindu, etc. Hmmmmmmm

Posted by: Anon | Mar 9, 2013 8:04:22 AM

At Miami: Rose, Rosen, Rosenn

Posted by: Rob Rosen | Mar 7, 2013 2:44:34 PM

Liebmans at Columbia

Posted by: anon | Mar 5, 2013 7:30:04 PM

Also, does my name count as a Markel?

Posted by: Mark L. | Mar 5, 2013 4:54:02 PM

How do you pronounce Markel, with accent on the second syllable?

Posted by: Mark L. | Mar 5, 2013 4:44:59 PM

Congrats! By analogy to McNollgast, a paper authored by all three Markel(l)s could present the author as 3Markel.

Posted by: sb | Mar 5, 2013 4:38:38 PM

Be careful, soon a certain United States senator may start parading around the country declaring that there are more Markel-ists at FSU than Republicans.

Posted by: Michael Teter | Mar 5, 2013 4:00:20 PM

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