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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fixing Pretrial Risk Assessment (in Florida)

For those of you interested in pretrial release, I thought I'd point you to a neat roundtable hosted in part by my colleague Sam Wiseman.  Last week, FSU hosted the American Bar Association Roundtable on “Pretrial Risk Assessment and Community Supervision: Tools to Advance Public Safety.” The Roundtable featured panelists discussing a variety of pretrial tools to advance Florida public safety and reduce citizens’ tax burden. The event was co-sponsored by the Florida Sheriffs Association, the Florida Association of Counties, the Florida State University College of Law and the Florida State University Project on Accountable Justice. Video of the event is available here. The focus of the roundtable was on the collection and use of data in the pretrial process, both in individual release decisions and at the system level.  Legislators, judges, sheriffs, prosecutors, public defenders, pretrial agency supervisors, commercial bondsmen, GPS monitoring vendors, and court administrators from around the state attended or appeared on panels.  


Posted by Administrators on January 16, 2013 at 11:10 AM in Criminal Law, Current Affairs, Funky FSU | Permalink


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There some group missing from the list of sponsors, attendees and speakers, but I just can't put my finger on who that might be...

Posted by: shg | Jan 16, 2013 11:44:28 AM

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